Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Are you online too much? The "I kinda wanna not be online as much but not really.." version!

Hello hello hello!
After 3 long weeks, my computer is running and sounds better than ever! I guess I should have known the fan was going out considering how loud it was... Maybe I'm a little oblivious.
When it first broke down... I freaked out a little bit. Refer to my last post if you wanna see how bad! It wasn't exactly my best moment.
So I did the math.
Every day, I'm on the computer at work for roughly 8 hours.
Then, I come home and get back on. Then I go to my friends, but when I return, I'm back on. Plus, I'm on my phone constantly. In general, I'm spending at very least 10 hours a day on a computer. Yikes.
I didn't realize it was a problem until I didn't have my computer.
I still was on for about 8 hours every day for work, but I can't avoid that (Trust me, I would if I could...)
But I had SO much free time.
And that's when I began to notice other parts of my life going much... smoother...
~I got so much more sleep.~
~I spent more time with my family.~
~I actually cleaned my room.~
~My eyes stopped hurting as much all the time.~
~I did the dishes on time.~
~I did my laundry.~
~I helped with dinner.~
~I could concentrate better.~
~My imagination/creativity thrived.~
You get the point.
I got my computer back yesterday. When I didn't have any friends to hangout with after work, I went right back to doing my same old thing. Spent way too long on the computer again.. And then I realized how boring it is.
I mean, all I'm really doing is sitting in the same room for a few hours pressing refresh every few minutes to see updates.
I'm so much happier without the computer having as much influence in my life!
So I'm here to propose an idea.
I've read alottt of bloggers talk about technology fasts. I've never actually done a real one. And who knows if I ever will. But here's the "I kinda wanna not be online as much but not really" version.

~Pick a day. Or a week. Or a month(!!!) Pick one, and stick to it. Make sure it's not a day or week or month that you absolutely need to be online a lot. Maybe start out with a day that you know you're gonna be busy doing other things anyway in the first place. 
~Figure out how many hours on average you usually spend online every day. Subtract that by 2. Now, don't count hours needed for work. If you work a job like mine and HAVE to be online, don't cut that in half. I;m talking recreational use. 
~For example! Today, after work, I spent 4 hours online. I would cut that in to 2, and spend only that amount online during my day. 
~Find something else to do. Read a book. Go outside. Watch tv. Talk to your family. Whatever! Just get offline for a few more hours than normal! 
~If you want to cut your time more than that, of course feel free to do so. 
~Do this multiple times. Maybe do this once a week, and every week cut down a little more. So after a few weeks, you'll be down to no internet for one day every week! 

Seriously guys, it's so relaxing to not feel like you need to be on. When I'm online, I procrastinate everythingggg. (like cleaning my room for an entire year... shh...) And of course procrastination doesn't ever feel good. It just gives  you that nagging worried feeling until you stop procrastinating. So if you want to feel good, get offline and do the things you've been putting off like the dishes or crafts or cleaning your car (I still didn't do that though...) 

Anyway! Try it out and let me know how it goes!